Of particular concern to Shell, the author provides first-hand insight into Shell’s security and intelligence activities in Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Ireland and other global hot spots and details how Shell worked with US, UK and Dutch Intelligence and military agencies to further their mutual agendas. The author also discusses Shell’s secret communications with MEND militants in Nigeria through intermediaries.
By John Donovan
I suspect that Shell in particular, should be very concerned about a book in the pipeline called “CRUDE INTENTION”. I say this because the author is a former senior manager of Shell Global Security.
Unlike the MI6 “people” hired by Shell including Guy Colegate, John Copleston and Ian Forbes McCredie, and the FBI officials recruited for their government connections like former FBI Deputy Director Richard Garcia, the author is a career security & business professional in the oil & gas industry whose own principles and ethics often conflicted those of his spymaster bosses and coworkers; including the monitoring of our activities as part of a Shell global surveillance operation.
Of particular concern to Shell, the author provides first-hand insight into Shell’s security and intelligence activities in Nigeria, Iraq, Iran, Ireland and other global hot spots and details how Shell worked with US, UK and Dutch Intelligence and military agencies to further their mutual agendas. The author also discusses Shell’s secret communications with MEND militants in Nigeria through intermediaries.
In addition to the undeniably intriguing revelations in CRUDE INTENTION, the author interweaves the stories of average people, both employees and those in local communities, who have been impacted by the events he covers, as well as the very private and personal toll taken on himself. These are the often unheard voices and victims who never make it into the “numbers” oil companies discuss in their annual reports.
Based on actual events, Crude Intention offers first-hand insight into the depths of the links between oil and government and exposing secret strategies, conversations and communications involved in some of the largest oil deals in the last two decades. The book exposes how Intelligence Agencies (including the CIA and MI-6) and the Military are used to advance the interests of Oil Companies (and thus the National Interests of the Government).
Crude Intention tells true stories of murder, cover-ups and set-ups, organized crime, human trafficking, child pornography, underage-mistresses of oil executives, corruption & pay-offs of government officials, and unprecedented access behind the scenes of kidnappings, hijacking of tankers by pirates, and acts of terrorism against oil facilities and workers.
royaldutchshellplc.com and its sister websites royaldutchshellgroup.com, shellnews.net and cybergriping.com are all owned by John DonovanCRUDE INTENTION – AN INSIDERS EXPLOSIVE REVELATIONS IN A BOOK THAT MAY SHAKE SHELL was first posted on January 25, 2018 at 9:33 pm.
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